PhD Thesis Defense & Degree
All paper and electronic documents (including assessments) must be submitted 4 weeks before the specified date of the thesis defense at the latest to allow for the administrative processing in the GCB and with the expert committees, etc. The defense can be scheduled the earliest 1 year after the midterm has been completed. Thus ideally when planning a minimum PhD curriculum, the midterm should take place after 1.5 years after enrollment in the GCB. The thesis must be submitted no later than one year after finishing experimental work, i.e., within 4 years (3 years experimental work + 1 year after). GCB doctoral candidates may request exceptions to the rules. When a doctoral candidate plans to submit from the end of the 4th year or later, they must submit a request to the GCB PhD Committee in writing to request an official prolongation. Rationale must be included. Evaluations of prolongation requests are evaluated individually. GCB Promotion Regulations - relevant Articles (The following excerpts are from an English translation of the original and signed “PROMOTIONSREGLEMENT der Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences der Universität Bern” issued in German. The German version is legally valid): Art 7§1 The PhD program generally lasts three years. Applications for part-time studies must be submitted to the Expert Committee. In the case of part-time studies, the duration of study is extended accordingly. [Version dated 10.10.2019/12.12.2018/24.6.2019] Art 10 §3 The dissertation must be submitted at the latest one year after completion of the research work. Requests for exceptions must be submitted to the PhD Committee. [Version of 10.10.2019/12.12.2018/24.6.2019]
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
PhD Thesis Defense and Degree
1. Planning
The Excel worksheet is a simple tool to identify key dates when planning your written thesis submission and oral thesis defense. Enter your planned thesis defense date in the indicated field. All other dates will be calculated according to a formula to approximate the key submission deadlines.
2. External Co-referee
3. Original Manuscripts
Results, can be added as published or submitted manuscripts. If this option is chosen, a separate page needs to be inserted before each manuscript in the thesis, where the title of the manuscript and a short description of your own contribution is stated (i.e., which experiments, which figures are yours).
- May I include a manuscript in my written thesis that has not yet been submitted for publication? Yes.
Entire manuscript (including bibliography): Specify your own contributions on the page preceding the manuscript.
Partial manuscript: any collaborative work must be accompanied by a clear written statement with appropriate acknowledgement of the relative contributions of all parties. - May I include a published paper in my written thesis? Yes.
Conditions: You are a first or second author of the paper. Entire manuscript (including bibliography) is allowed: Specify your own contributions on the page preceding the manuscript.
Partial manuscript: any collaborative work must be accompanied by a clear written statement with appropriate acknowledgement of the relative contributions of all parties.
(It is only allowed to include published articles in the main body of the thesis, if the student is first, shared first, second or shared second author. If the student is third, fourth, fifth…. author, a short summary of the publication needs to be done and a copy of the article can be included in the appendix. Please remember to cite correctly).
Each PhD thesis submitted to the GCB will be screened for improper citations and potential plagiarism by means of a specialized plagiarism-detection system. For guidelines on scientific integrity and prevention of plagiarism, please consult the links referring to Scientific Integrity in the box «Find out more» at the bottom of this website.
4. Structure & Format
The thesis is independently assessed by the supervisor and by the external co-referee.
- What size of font am I required to use?
The font size is not pre-determined. You choose. - Format and Structure? You are required to use the GCB-defined structure for your written thesis, including:
- Title page
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Hypothesis and Aim of Thesis
- Results
- Overall Discussion and Outlook
- Curriculum Vitae (including your Publication list)
- Originally signed Declaration of Originality
3. Are spiral bound hard copies of the thesis accepted?
- In no case will they be accepted. The University of Bern rules are clear on this.
5. Oral Defense Process
- My supervisor, my co-supervisor or my co-advisor is not able to attend the thesis defense. What can I do? You must find a date and time when all will be present, see the GCB promotion regulations. Please refer to GCB Promotion regulations, Art. 13 1The doctoral examination takes place in the form of a thesis defense, which consists of a public part with a 40 to 45-minute lecture and a 60-minute discussion without public access. Examiners are the thesis supervisor, the co-supervisor, at least one external examiner and the mentor. The mentor holds the chair.
- My mentor is not able to attend my thesis defense. What can I do?
Please contact the GCB office to try to find another mentor, who can attend in place of your mentor. - My external co-referee is not able to attend the thesis defense. What can I do?
The external co-referee who grades the written thesis and the external co-referee grading the thesis defense does not necessarily have to be the same person. Therefore, if you can find another external co-referee and have them approved by your thesis committee and by the GCB coordinator.
6. Post Defense Process
May I get an official letter of confirmation confirming my PhD title after my oral defense?
Yes. According to the GCB promotion Regulations, Art. 18, 2The use of the title of Doctor is permitted after receipt of the doctoral diploma. In the intervening period, the candidate is sent proof that he or she has passed the doctoral studies. The GCB will issue a confirmation letter for your title. This is valid proof for any employer, for grant applications, etc. until you receive your actual diploma.
The conditions are that the GCB has received and confirmed the following documents:
a. Three hard copies (A4 size, bound, not spiral bound) of the final written thesis
b. The thesis defense record confirming successful defense (the final oral defense grade is recorded on the Thesis Defense Record) and submitted to the GCB office by the mentor, as well as a protocol of the closed 60 minutes discussion. -
When can I expect to receive my diploma?
The process can take as few as 2.5 months and up to 5 months, depending upon a variety of factors.
The diplomas and diploma supplements are printed in batches 3-4 times annually. Then, the diplomas and diploma supplements are verified. Appointments for signatures are made with the deans of all three GCB governing faculties (Medical, Science, Vetsuisse) and then signed individually by each dean. Following that process, the University rector signs each diploma individually, and stamps each diploma with the University of Bern official crest. -
When I can officially use my new PhD title?
The use of the doctoral title is governed by the GCB promotion Regulations, Art. 18, 2The use of the title of Doctor is permitted after receipt of the doctoral diploma.
Guidelines for the Submission of the PhD Thesis
General Information
It is the candidate's responsibility to schedule their defense date. This is done in agreement with your PhD thesis committee. Be mindful to allow sufficient time (refer to the steps below) for your external co-referee to complete and submit the evaluaion of the approved thesis.
Instructions for the preparation and submission of your PhD documents are detailed below. Candidates of Vetsuisse Zurich follow the instructions for the Front Page and the Payment Fee according to the Guidelines for GCB candidates of Vetsuisse ZH (DOCX, 19KB).
Step-by-Step to the PhD Degree
1. Submission Details
- Plan your thesis defense for a minimum of 12 months after your successful mid-term evaluation
- Inform GCB administration no later than 11 weeks before the thesis defense of your schedule and planned thesis defense date at and submit your title page for review at this time
- The most recent progress report on file in the GCB must have been submitted no later than six (6) months prior to the date you submit your written thesis. This "final" progress report date is determined by the time between your most recently submitted progress report and the date you submit your written thesis. In other words, the submission date is independent of your GCB registration date.
- When the GCB and your mentor receive this report, both will evaluate your readiness to submit your written thesis and defend your thesis orally.
- mid-term evaluation
- co-advisor meetings
- mandatory ECTS
- 2 x future career path discussions with supervisor
- 2 x presenting at a GCB symposium
- first-author publication that is affiliated with the GCB (in addition to your institute), as well has been affiliated and uploaded in BORIS by your supervisor
- When the GCB and your mentor receive this report, both will evaluate your readiness to submit your written thesis and defend your thesis orally.
- Provide your supervisor and the GCB with a copy of your thesis - at least 10 weeks prior to the scheduled oral defense
- Provide to the GCB your completed PhD Degree form (at the same time as you submit the thesis to the GCB) 10 weeks prior to the scheduled defense
- Send electronically to, the remaining documents prior to the thesis defense: the very latest 4 weeks prior to the specified date of the thesis defense (note: some documents must be submitted 10 weeks prior, e.g., written thesis, PhD Degree form)
- Submit to the GCB the exact same thesis, as the one you sent to your Supervisor
- Instruct your Supervisor to send their assessments directly to the GCB-coordinator PD Dr. Monica Schaller and Cc to at the latest, 4 weeks prior the oral defense date. Also remind them, that as the GCB is an international Graduate School in English language and therefore, the assessment must be written in English.
- Upload electronic copies (PhD Degree Form, PDF of PhD thesis) via SWITCHfilesender and address to
Login on SWITCHfilesender with your campus account (username & password).
Name files using the following naming convention: your «LastName_FirstName_PhD_DegreeForm» and «LastName_FirstName_PhDThesis». PhD thesis files must be 100 MB or less.
If your Email program permits, you may also send files them directly as a pdf to - The title of the thesis on in your written thesis document must match exactly the title you entered in the PhD Degree form.
Furthermore, no changes to the title page of the thesis (including tittle of the thesis and PhD title) are allowed after submission to the GCB. This is particularly not accepted in the final version.
Only exception is, if you agreed on this with the secretariat of the GCB. - Only for Vetsuisse Zurich students matriculated at the University of Zurich: Please check this document and follow the instruction on it: Guidelines for GCB candidates of Vetsuisse ZH (DOCX, 33KB)
2. Requirements for PhD Degree Application
- All mandatory ECTS earned are reflected in the signed doctoral agreement and accounted for in CTS/KSL
- Scientific Integrity successfully completed
- Mid-term Evaluation successfully passed (must be passed 12+ months prior to thesis defense)
- At least one 1st author paper published or accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal; exemptions must be supported by the external co-referee and accepted by the responsible Expert Committee
- Positive thesis assessment received from supervisor
- Positive thesis assessment received from external co-referee
3. PhD Thesis
Please note:
It is essential that you carefully follow the instructions below and on the Front Page template. In order to avoid mandatory corrections, it is highly recommended that you submit the Front Page of your thesis to the GCB Administration for review 11-12 weeks prior to your scheduled thesis defense date.
The thesis in A4 format must have been approved by the supervisor and must contain the following sections:
- Front Page (DOCX, 60KB)
- Abstract
- Comprehensive introduction into the field
- Hypothesis and aim of the thesis
- Results, can be added as published or submitted manuscripts. If this option is chosen, a separate page needs to be inserted before each manuscript in the thesis, where the title of the manuscript and a short description of your own contribution is stated (i.e., which experiments, which figures are yours).
- Overall discussion and outlook/perspectives
- Curriculum vitae and list of publications
- Declaration of Originality (pdf, 61KB), which must be dated, signed and also be included in the electronic copy of the thesis, with your scanned-in or electronic signature. Hard and electronic copies of the thesis without signature cannot be accepted. You only need to bring a three hard copies (never spiral bound) of your thesis to our office after the thesis defense.
Layout: The cover page and deans’ signature page must be printed on one side only, while for the remaining pages of the thesis duplex (double-sided) print is preferred.
It is only allowed to include published articles in the main body of the thesis, if the student is first, shared first, second or shared second author. If the student is third, fourth, fifth…. author, a short summary of the publication needs to be done and a copy of the article can be included in the appendix. Please remember to cite correctly.
A former GCB student made a template für LaTeX and kindly offered other students to use it. You can find the template with the following link, but please note that the GCB is not responsible for the template nor can we give any support for it. However, should you encounter problems with it or it should not work, we are glad to be informed:
Each PhD thesis submitted to the GCB will be screened for improper citations and potential plagiarism by means of a specialized plagiarism-detection system. For guidelines on scientific integrity and prevention of plagiarism, please consult the links referring to Scientific Integrity in the box «Find out more» at the bottom of this website.
4. Assessments by Supervisor and External Co-referee
The thesis is independently assessed by the supervisor and by the external co-referee.
- The supervisor evaluates the experimental work and the written thesis. The report, written on official letter paper, must contain a mark and should follow the Guidelines_Supervisor.pdf (PDF, 140KB). The report must be sent in PDF format directly to PD Dr. Monica Schaller, with copy to GCB Administration, at least 4 weeks before the date of the planned thesis defense. The Assessment should be in English.
- The external co-referee evaluates the written thesis. The GCB Coordinator will forward the written thesis and assessment form to the external co-referee at least 8 weeks prior to the scheduled thesis defense*. The assessment, written on the official GCB External Co-referee Thesis Assessment Form, must include a grade or mark and follow the guidelines on the form. The assessment must be sent directly to PD Dr. Monica Schaller, with Cc to the GCB Administration, at least 4 weeks before the date of the planned thesis defense. The Assessment should be in English.
*effective November 1, 2023 for all thesis defense proceedings taking place from January 1, 2024.
5. Application for the PhD Degree
No later than 10 weeks before the date of the thesis defense, the candidate should submit the following document to the GCB office:
- One electronic, dated & signed PDF copy of the thesis should be uploaded on SWITCHfilesender and addressed to
- Completed PhD_Degree_Form_Feb_2020-5_eng.pdf, 4 pages. Fill in the form and then save it on your computer (File → «Print as PDF» → save on computer). Type the date and your name in the box «signature» (or use an electronic signature) for the electronic copy. The PhD degree form is also required for reference during the plagiarism check.
No later than 4 weeks before the date of the thesis defense, the candidate should submit the following documents to the GCB office:
send all documents to
- Study profile sheet printed from KSL ("printed matters, serial letter, study profiles sheet, generate pdf")
- Written information on date, time and venue (room and exact address) of your thesis defense
- Current official registration confirmation from the Admissions Office of the University
- Proof of payment of examination fee of CHF 500.–, to be paid to:
Berner Kantonalbank BEKB AG
Bundesplatz 8, 3001 Bern
IBAN: CH54 0079 0016 6042 4974 7
Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences GCB, 3012 Bern
6. Processing of the PhD Documents by the GCB
The PhD Degree Form and the assessments of the supervisor and the external co-referee will be forwarded by the GCB to the members of the thesis committee and the respective GCB Expert Committee. The members of the Expert Committee decide no later than one week before the specified date of the thesis defense upon acceptance of the thesis and admission to the thesis defense.
On request, an electronic copy of the thesis (PDF) can be made available for inspection to the members of the GCB Expert Committee.
Additionally, the GCB provides the mentor with an electronic version of the PhD Degree Form, the submitted thesis, and with appropriate instructions concerning the format of the thesis defense.
7. Thesis Defense and Final Assessment
As of February 1, 2020 the thesis defense consists of your public presentation of 40-45 min and a closed discussion of 60 min. The closed discussion with your examiners can also take place on a different day. However, there will only be one grade given by each of the four examiners for the oral thesis defense.
Examiners are:
(1) the supervisor,
(2) the co-advisor,
(3) external co-referee, and
(3) the mentor, who is also chairing the thesis defense
The grades are recorded on the Thesis Defense Record and submitted to the GCB office by the mentor. Furthermore, a protocol is written of the closed 60 minutes discussion and submitted to the GCB office by the mentor.
The final assessment is summarized on the Graduation Record and is obtained as defined in the «Rules» of the GCB («Promotionsreglement»), consisting of:
(a) the supervisor's assessment of the thesis
(b) the external co-referee's assessment of the thesis
(c) the examiners' assessment of the thesis defense (mean of examiners' individual marks)
8. Submission of Deposit Copies of the PhD Thesis
No later than 2 weeks after the thesis defense, you must submit the following to the GCB office:
- Three additional paper-bound (never spiral-bound) in A4 format) deposit copies of the final version of your thesis (required corrections implemented).
- If you have made changes to the text after your PhD Degree Application: One new electronic, dated & signed copy of the final version of the thesis, to be uploaded on SWITCHfilesender and addressd to
Furthermore (optional):
You may submit one electronic copy in PDF format on CD/DVD directly to the University Library (UB) Bern—see the UB website for further information.
9. Conferment of the PhD Degree
The PhD Degree is jointly awarded by the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Science, and the Vetsuisse Faculty (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) upon the proposal of the PhD Committee of the GCB. The PhD documents are only issued upon receipt of the additional deposit copies and the electronic PDF copy of the final version of the PhD thesis. You are entitled to bear the PhD title after having received the PhD Diploma and Diploma Supplement.
Once you have completed your studies or if you no longer want to continue studying, you have to have yourself removed from the student registry (this does not take place automatically). For this purpose, please use the electronic re-registration form under The form is available from 20.5. - 31.8. for HS and from 15.12. - 31.1. for FS.
You may attend the Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty with which you were affiliated during your PhD. Information on date, time and venue will be made available by the GCB office.
Please check the SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship.