As a consequence, it is mandatory for all PhD candidates of the GCB to attend the two-hour lecture «Scientific Integrity», which is given once each semester at the University of Bern by Prof. Dr. Torsten Ochsenreiter, Institute of Cell Biology. The lecture must be taken (at least) once, during the first year of the doctoral work.
All doctoral candidates of the GCB are required to register in CTS/KSL. Confirmation of successful passing of the quiz administered online on teaching platform, (Course Nr. 482686) which will be take place directly following the lecture, will be confirmed in CTS/KSL, the course administration database. No ECTS are awarded for attendance at this lecture, and only one attendance per student will be recorded in the CTS/KSL.
Students are urged to be certain they can access the course on ILIAS. The quiz will be administered in the course on ILIAS and will only be visible at the end of the lecture. You must successfully complete the quiz to pass the lecture.