Graduations in 2024

GCB Graduates 2024 in alphabetical order.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 



Akshay Akshay, PhD in Computational Biology (March 07. 2024)
Department for BioMedical Research DBMR, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Katia Monastyrskaya-Stäuber)
«Molecular Drivers of Bladder Remodeling in Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction Identified through Integrated Data Analysis of Patients’ Biopsies and Animal Models»

Lordrick Alinaitwe, DVM PhD (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Philosophy) (June 28)
College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity (COVAB), Vetsuisse Faculty Bern (Prof. Dr. Salome Esther Dürr)
«Advancements in the Epidemiology of Leptospira Infection in Humans and Livestock in Uganda»

Cornelia Doreen Amstutz, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (October 07)
Swiss Institute for Translational and Entrepreneurial Medicine, Medical Faculty (Dr. Adrian Zurbuchen)
«Performance evaluation of high-pressure PTCA balloon catheters»

Razieh Ardali, PhD in immunology (August 21)
Institute of Virology and Immunology. Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Artur Summerfield)
«Harnessing trained immunity to enhance resistance of piglets against infections»

Serra Lem Asangbeh, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (January 29)
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Julia Friederike Bohlius)
«Comprehensive cervical cancer prevention and control for women living with HIV: Opportunities for programme improvement and scale-up in sub-Saharan Africa.»

Robin Avanthay, PhD in Immunology (January 9)
Institute of Virology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Bern (Prof. Dr. Artur Summerfield and PD Dr. Gert Zimmer)
«The Development of a Novel Mucosal Influenza A Virus Vaccine and its assessment in pigs»



András Bálint, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (November 07)
Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, Head and Neck Surgery, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Stefan Andreas Weder)
«How patterns of Brain Activation Predict Speech Understanding»

Balmer Erina Alexandra, PhD in (February 15)
Institute of Cell Biology, Faculty of Science (Prof. Dr. Carmen Faso)
"Investigating the links between unconventional protein secretion, virulence and endocytic compartments in the intestinal parasite Giardia lamblia"

Dániel Bátora, PhD in Biohcemistry and Molecular Biology (Ausgust 23)
Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine (IBMM), Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Jürg Gertsch)
«The Calcium-Sensing Receptor in Health and Disease: from Probe Development to Lipid Remodeling»

Katrin Beckmann, DVM PhD (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Philosophy) (June 18)
Department for Small Animals, Division of Neurology Vetsuisse Faculty Zurich, Vetsuisse Zurich (Prof. Dr. Patrick Kircher)
«Investigation of Epilepsy in dogs by DTI, ASL, and rs-fMRI»

Luca Beldi, PhD in Immunology (July 26)
IFIK, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Siegfried Hektor Hapfelmeier)
«Microbial interactions mediating Clostridioides difficile colonization resistance»

Paola Bermudez, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (December 12)
DBMR, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Benjamin Gantenbein)
«Interpreting intervertebral disc phenotypes: An in-vitro, ex-vivo and in-silico approach»

Kristina Carolin Berve, PhD in Neuroscience (January 10)
Theodor-Kocher-Institute, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Britta Engelhardt)
«Brain Endothelial Molecules as Regulators of Immune Cell Trafficking into the Central Nervous System during Health and Neuroinflammation»

Nils Sven Bodmer, PhD in Cell Biology (October 30)
Institute of Pathology, University of Bern, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Mario Paul Tschan, Prof. Dr. Inti Zlobec)
«The Epigenetic Regulation of CDX2 and its Role in  Colorectal Cancer Cell migration»

Karoline-Marie Bornemann, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (October 10)
ARTOG, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Dominik Obrist)
«Instability mechanisms leading to laminar-turbulent transition past bioprosthetic aortic valves »

Sandra Braun, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (April 19)
Institute of Forensic Medicine, Medical Faculty
«Evaluating the Usefulness of CT Data for Trauma Analysis and Sex Estimation» (PD Dr. Sandra Lösch, Dr. Marco Milella)

Catharina M. H. Broekmeulen, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (December 12)
Veterinary Public Health Institute. Vetuisse Faculty of Bern ( Prof. Dr. Michael J. Toscano; Dr Sabine G. Gebhardt-Henrich)
«Effects of on-farm hatching system factors on multitasking ability and stress responsivity in laying hens»

Michelle Buri, PhD in Immunology (February 13)
Department for Biomedical Resarch (DBMR), Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Carsten Riether)
«The role of acetylcholine in the regulation of acute myeloid leukemia stem cells»



Camilla Giulia Calastra, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (October 29)
Institute of Diagnostic Interventional and Pediatric Radiology, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Bernd Jung, Prof. Dr. med. Hendrik von Tengg-Kobligk)
«Characterising Congenital Vascular Malformations using Ultrafast Magnetic Resonance Imaging»

Edgar Igor Campos-Madueno, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (August 14)
Institute for Infections Diseases. Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Andrea Endimiani)
«Gut Colonization with Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria in Swiss People Living Abroad: Molecular Characterization, Epidemiology, and Risk Factors Associated with Acquisition and Transmission»

Yihe Chen, PhD in Immunology (March 27)
Institute of Pharamcology, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Hans-Uwe Simon)
«The BK channel limits the pro-inflammatory activity of macrophages»

Christoph Ludwig Clement, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (November 26)
Lab for Artificial Intelligence and Translational Theranostics (AITT), Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Kuangyu Shi)
«Artificial Intelligence's Transformative Impact on Nuclear Medicine Imaging across Scales»



Mariko Dale, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (June 28)
Institute of Animal Pathology, Vetsuisse, Vetsuisse Faculty Bern (PD Dr. Philipp Alexander Olias)
«Exploring responses to Cryptosporidium parvum infection in neonatal mice with insights into secreted effector proteins»

Morgane Francine Decollogny, DVM PhD (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Philosophy) (October 25)
Institute of Animal Pathology, Vetsuisse faculty, Vetsuisse Faculty Bern (Prof. Dr. Sven Rottenberg)
«Investigating the niche of drug-tolerant tumor-repopulating cells to eradicate residual disease in BRCA1;p53-deficient mammary tumors»

Peter Methys Degen, PhD in Computational Biology (November 08)
DBMR, Medical Faculty (Dr. Matúš Med, PD Dr.phil. Michaela Medova)
«Challenges in Bulk and Single-cell RNA-Seq Analysis: Investigating Robustness and Replicability»

Inês de Paula Costa Monteiro, MD PhD (Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy) (September 20)
DBMR, Department of Tumour Immunology, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. med. Adrian Ochsenbein)
«The role of ILC2 in the regulation of cancer stem cells of  colorectal cancer and acute myeloid leukemia»

Eva Dervas, DVM, (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Philosophy) (February 27)
Institute of Veterinary Pathology Zürich, Vetsuisse Zürich Faculty (Prof. Dr. Anja Kipur)
«Boid inclusion body disease and immunosuppression - another hen-egg question?»

Rim Diab, PhD in Neuroscience (February 02)
Department for BioMedical Research DBMR, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Antoine Roger Adamantidis, Prof. Smita Saxena)
« Investigating the Functional Impact of C9ORF72 Haploinsufficiency on Autophagy in C9ORF72-linked Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration»

Lars Jelle Doorenbos, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (November 15)
ARTORG, Medical Faculty (Dr. Pablo Márquez Neila)
«Reliably Processing Unexpected and Ambiguous Images in Computer Vision»

Prisca Rosa Dotti, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (July 22)
Department of Physiology, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Marcel Egger)
«Detection, Localization, and Classification of Subcellular Ca2+ Release Events: Using a Deep Learning Approach»



Manuel Egle, MD PhD (Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy (September 02)
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Inselspital, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Sarah Henning Longnus, PD Dr. Lucio Barile)
«Cardiac graft preservation and evaluation in transplantation with donation after curculatory death»



Amal Fahmi, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (July 1)
Institute of Virology and Immunology, Vetsuisse Faculty Bern (Prof. Dr. Marco Alves)
«Unveiling the Hidden Threat: Investigating Zoonotic Virus Infections using State-of-the-Art Human in Vitro Models»

Simone Falco, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (October 23)
Institute of Pharmacology, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Georgia Konstantinidou)
«Understanding the role of cardiolipins in the adaptation of lung cancer cells to hypoxia»

Marco Jakob Felber, PhD in Immunology (December 19)
Universität Bern, Inselspital, DBMR, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. med. Reiner Wiest, Dr. Tim Henning Rollenske)
«β- Adrenergic Drive Impairs Gut-Vascular Barrier (GVB): Mechanism Involved in Small Intestinal-Barrier Dysfunction in Experimental Cirrhosis and Acute-on-chronic Liver Failure (ACLF)»

Javier Eduardo Fernandez, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (June 17)
Institute of Veterinary Bacteriology- Molecular Epidemology and Infectious Diseases, Vetsuisse Faculty Bern (Prof. Dr. Vincent Perreten)
«WGS-based analysis of multi-drug resistant bacteria isolated form animal and human sources»

Nerea Fernandez Trigo, PhD in immunology (September 3)
Department for BioMedical Research. Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Stephanie Christine Ganal-Vonarburg)
«Commensal Microbiota during the Window of Opportunity: Impacts on Mammary Gland Physiology, Breast Milk Composition, and Type-1 Diabetes Development»

Stefan Forster, MD PhD (Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy) (January 26)
Medical Oncology and Tumor Immunology, DBMR, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. med. Adrian Ochsenbein)
«The Role of CD70/CD27/TNIK Signaling and Niche Interactions in Solid and Hematologic Malignancies»



Angel Javier Gamazo Tejero, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (December 03)
ARTORG, Medical Faculty, Medical Faculty Bern (Prof. Dr. Rapheal Sznitman)
«Overcoming Data Limitations through Optimization: From Annotation Strategies to Real-World Applications»

Markus Daniel Gerber, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (April 19)
DCBP, Medical Faculty ( Prof. Dr. André Schneider)
«Msp1 in Trypanosoma brucei mitochondrial quality control»

Zahra Gharailoo, PhD in Immunology (April 05)
Department of BioMedical Research DBMR, Medical Faculty ( Prof. Dr. Martin Bachmann, Prof. Dr. Monique Vogel)
«Generating a Virus Like Particles-based vaccine against IgE»

Lucilla Giammarino, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (July 15)
Department of Physiology-UNIBE, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Katja Elisabeth Odening)
«Tailoring personalized medicine approaches in cardiac electrical diseases: unraveling sex differences in atrial electrical properties and assessing gene therapy efficacy in LQT1 channelopathy»

Selianne Félice Mara Graf, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (February 28)
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Sarah Henning Longnus, Prof. Dr. Lucio Barile)
«Metabolic-based approaches to cardioprotection and graft evaluation in heart transplantation with donation after circulatory death (DCD)»

Klara Johanna Grethen, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (October 2)
Animal Welfare Division, Veterinary Public Health Institute, Vetsuisse Faculty Bern (PD Dr. Michael Jeffrey Toscano, Dr. Yamenah Gómez)
«From the backyard to commercial production:
An investigation of social dynamics of laying hens»

Yvan Gugler, PhD Biomedical Engineering (April 23)
ATORG Center, Medical Faculty
«Evaluation of 3D DXA Reconstructions of the Proximal Femur for FE-Based Strength and Fracture Risk Predictions» (Prof. Dr. Philippe Zysset)

Gian Mauro Carlo Guyer, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (January 11)
Division of Medical Radiation Physics, Inselspital Bern, Medical Faculty Bern (Prof. Dr. Peter Manser, Prof. Dr. Michael Fix)
«Non-isocentric dynamic trajectory radiotherapy and dynamic mixed photon-electron beam radiotherapy»



Liana Hayrapetyan, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (June 04)
DBMR, Medical Faculty (PD Dr. phil. Michaela Medova)
«MET receptor serine 1014 phosphorylation in neurodevelopment and its relevance to autism spectrum disorder»

Hanspeter Hess, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (October 11)
sitem Center for Translational Medicine and Biomedical Entrepreneurship, Medical Faculty (PD Dr. Kate Gerber)
«Three-dimensional diagnosis for rotator cuff tear using deep learning algorithms»

Yoandry Hinojosa Lopez, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (December 10)
Institute of Virology and Immunology, Vetsuisse Faculty Bern ( Prof. Nicolas Ruggli)
«Identification of virulence factors of classical swine fever virus using a pair of evolutionary-related high  and low virulent isolates»

Thomas Christoph Höhener, PhD in Cell Biology (February 29)
Institute of Cell Biology, Faculty of Science ( Prof. Dr. Olivier Pertz)
«An Optogenetic Approach for System-Wide Exploration of MAPK Signaling Dynamics»

Jimin Hong, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (April 15)
Clinic for Nuclearmedicine Bern, Insel, Medical Faculty ( Prof. Dr. Kuangyu Shi)
«Artificial Intelligence for Integrated Multi-tracer PET Imaging supporting Biomarker Development for Neurodegenerative Disorders»



Joël Alain Illi, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (December 18)
Universität Bern, Inselspital, DBMR, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Christoph Gräni)
«Investigating the niche of drug-tolerant tumor-repopulating cells to eradicate residual disease in BRCA1;p53-deficient mammary tumors»

Lara Isabelle Indra, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (October 18)
Institute of Forensic Medicine, Medical Faculty (PD Dr. Sandra Lösch)
«Forensic taphonomy in Switzerland: Investigations on decomposition and vertebrate scavenging»

Dominik Inniger, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (June 24)
Insitute of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science (Prof. Dr. Thomas Feurer)
«Pulsed Laser for Soft Tissue Ablation»

Aleksandra Ivanovic, PhD in Biomedical Engineering
ARTORG, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Lukas Anschütz)
«Hearing under the Lens: Exploring the Human Middle Ear with Synchrotron-based Phase-contrast Microtomography»



Joana Jorge da Costa, PhD in Immunology (April 22)
Department for BioMedical Research DBMR, Medical Faculty
«Unveiling IL-1β Significance: Biosensor Development, Disease Insights, and Giant Cell Arteritis Implications» (Prof. Dr. Martin Bachmann, Prof. Dr. Monique. Vogel)



Marc Max Kaethner, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (May 24)
Institute of Parasitology, Vetsuisse Faculty Bern (Prof. Dr. Britta Lundström Stadelmann)
«Food for thought: Investigation and inhibition of the threonine metabolism of Echinococcus multilocularis and further approaches towards novel treatment options for echinococcosis»

Thokozani Kalua, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (September 17)
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine. Faculty of Sciences (Prof. Dr. Matthias Egger)
«HIV virological outcomes of an antiretroviral regimen mass transition in the Malawi HIV treatment program disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic»

Namrata Murli Kewalramani, MD PhD (Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy) (December 13)
Universität Bern, Inselspital, Medical Faculty
«Precision Cut Lung Slices as an ex vivo model to study Respiratory Diseases»

Chrysanthi Kouri, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (November 29)
DBMR, Pediatric Endocrinology, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. med. Christa Emma Flück Pandey)
«Understanding the clinical and genetic complexity in persons with differences of sex development»

Pascal Siegfried Krenger, PhD in Immunology (October 24)
RI-Immunologie- Inselspital, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Martin Bachmann)
«The ARTT of VLPs: The Crucial Role of Antigen Repetitiveness, TLR Ligands, and Target Epitopes for Virus-Like Particle-Based Vaccine Efficacy»

Thomas Kueffer, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (May 8)
Department of Cardiology, University hospital Bern, Medical Faculty
«Advancing Ablation Technology in Electrophysiology» (Prof. Dr. Tobias Roman Reichlin, Prof. Dr. Andreas Häberlin)



Franziska Langhammer, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (June 10)
DBMR, Humangenetik, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Christiane Gertrud Zweier)
«Pathomechanisms of RHOBTB2-associated neurodevelopmental disorders»

Siri Michelle Leeman, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (June 14)
Institute of Physiology, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Sonja Kleinlogel and Prof. Dr. Nadia Mercader-Huber)
«Optogenetically disentangling the role of beta-adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes»

Matthias Licheri, DVM PhD (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Philosophy) (September 12)
IFIK, Medical Faculty (PD Dr. Ronald Dijkman)
«Rapid identification and epidemiological analysis of emerging human and animal viruses»

Victoria Maria Ji-Young Lim Falk, PhD in Neuroscience (October 25)
Department of Neurology (Neuroimmunology), Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Vincent Pernet)
«Exploring circulating extracellular vesicles in autoimmune diseases of the central nervous system»

Fabian Urs Luther, PhD in Immunology (June 28)
University Clinic Dermatology (Insel), Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Christoph Schlapbach)
«PPAR-γ regulates the effector function of human T helper 9 cells by promoting glycolysis»

Janine Lux, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (September 06)
IFIK, Medical Faculty (PD Dr. Lucy Jane Hathaway)
«Interspecies communication between Streptococcus pneumoniae and other bacteria via peptides»



Adrian Michael Madarasz, MD PhD (Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy) (July 08)
Theodor Kocher Institute, Medical Faculty (PD Dr. Steven Thomas Proulx)
«Pathways and Dynamics of Erythrocyte Efflux in Murine Models of Hemorrhagic Stroke»

Andrea Marti, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (May 24)
Institute of Virology and Immunology (IVI), Vetsuisse Faculty (Prof. Dr. Artur Summerfield)
«Adaptation of Japanese encephalitis virus following passaging in the porcine host»

Malin Kristin Meier, MD PhD (Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy) (March 28)
Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Simon Damian Steppacher)
«Artificial intelligence based 3D MRI models of the hip for improved preoperative assessment»

Korollus Melek, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (November 21)
IBMM, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Christine Peinelt)
«Characterization and regulation of TMEM206 in immune and cancer cells»

Johanna Franziska Menze, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (March 08)
School of Precision and Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Medicine (PD Dr. Kate Gerber)
«Towards subject-specificity in biomechanical modelling of rotator cuff pathologies and interventions»

Christoph Manuel Meyer, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (July 18)
DBMR, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Peter Vermathen)
«Metabolic Investigations of Mitochondrial Disorders in Whole Cells and Mitochondrial Isolates using NMR and MS»

Steven Lukas Misztal, PhD in Immunology (June 05)
DBMR, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. med. Andrew Macpherson)
«Mechanisms of Host microbial mutualism»

Camille Marie Montalcini, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (February 09)
Animal Welfare Division, University of Bern, Vetsuisse Faculty Bern (PD Dr. Michael Jeffrey Toscano)
«Examining spatial personalities of commercial laying hens and behavioural responses to keel bone fractures and management practices»



Na'Amneh Elzenaty Rawda, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (October 30)
Pädiatrische Endokrinologie/Diabetologie/Metabolik, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. med. Christa Emma Flück Pandey)
«SF1 - Understanding the clinical and genetic complexity of human steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1/NRA1) variants in sex steroid biology»



Vedat Burak Ozan, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (March 20)
Department for BioMedical Research DBMR, Medical Faculty (PD Amiq Gazdhar)
«Generation of Patient Specific, Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived Lung Organoids»



Ioannis Papathanail, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (June 26)
ARTORG, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Stavroula Mougiakakou)
«Machine learning-based system for dietary assessment»

Javier Pareja Román, PhD in Immunology (June 06)
Theodor Kocher Institute, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Britta Engelhardt)
«Unveiling the cellular and molecular pathways of CD8+ T cell migration across the CNS barriers»

Laureen Michèle Peters, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Philosophy (DVM, PhD) (May 6)
Small Animal Clinic, Vetsuisse Bern Faculty (Dr. Judith Howard)
«Identification of Regenerating Proteins in Dogs and Evaluation as Novel Biomarkers»

Simone Poli, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (March 27)
Department of BioMedical Research DBMR / ASMS /DRNN, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Roland Kreis)
«Investigation of human glucose metabolism by multiparametric and multinuclear magnetic resonance methods»





Saied Ramedani, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (January 26)
Department of Diagnostic, Interventional and Pediatric Radiology, Bern University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Bern (Prof. Dr. med. Hendrik von Tengg-Kobligk and Dr. med. Keivan Daneshvar)
«Automated evaluation of the whole body’s muscle-fat composition by machine learning for magnetic resonance images (MRI)»

Vasundhara Rao, PhD in Cell Biology (September 24)
Institute of Cell Biology IZB, Faculty of Science (Prof. Dr. Olivier Pertz)
«Mechanisms of Cytoskeletal Feedback to Rho GTPase Signaling»

Raphael Rätz, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (July 06)
ARTORG Motor Learning and Neurorehabilitation, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Laura Marchal Crespo)
«Novel Clinical-Driven Robotic Devices for Sensorimotor Training»

Martina Larissa Reichmuth, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (March 07)
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine ISPM, Medical Faculty (PD Dr. Christian Althaus)
«Modeling transmission dynamics and human behavior during the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Switzerland»

Lukas Rimle, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (October 31)
DCBP, Faculty of Science (Prof. Dr. Christoph von Ballmoos)
«Investigations into the mode of action of leucoinostatin A and its derivatives on mitochondria and mitochondrial ATP synthase»

Steve Jacquy Robatel, PhD in Immunology (March 21)
Institute of Pathology, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Mirjam Schenk)
«Developing new therapeutic regimens for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma»

Elisa Rodrigues Sousa, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (July 11)
DBMR, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Marianna Kruithof-de Julio)
«The Role of CRIPTO Signalling in Lethal Prostate Cancer»

Marie Roig-Pons, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (October 15)
Veterinary Institute of Public Health, Vetsuisse Faculty of Bern (Prof. Hanno Würbel and Dr. Sabrina Briefer Freymond)
«Horses and slow-feeders: investigating consequences on horse health and behaviour»

Adrian Ryser, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (August 23)
Department of Cardiology, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr.Andreas David Heinrich Häaberling and Prof. Dr. Thomas Niederhauser)
«Low-Power Conductive Intracardiac Communication for Leadless Multi-Chamber Pacemaker Systems »



Helena Saura Martinez, DVM PhD (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Philosophy) (October 18)
FIWI, Vetsuisse Bern (Prof. Dr. Heike Schmidt-Posthaus)
«Are Wild and Farm Brown Trout alike? Exploration of Environmental factors, Immunity, and Population Dynamics in the Context of Proliferative Kidney Disease»

Noah Samuel Schnüriger, PhD in Immunology (September 18)
DBMR, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Carsten Riether)
«Exploring the roles of CD4+ T cells and VISTA in the regulation of leukemic stem cells in acute myeloid leukemia»

Stephan Christopher Schraivogel, «PhD in Biomedical Engineering (November 11)
Hearing Research Laboratory, ARTOG, Medical Faculty (PD Dr. Wilhelm Wimmer)
«Impedance Telemetry-Based Insertion Depth  Estimation for Cochlear Implants
From Research to Clinical Application»

Jan Andries Schulte, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (March 27)
Center for Biomedical Engineering ARTORG, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Olivier Thierry Guenat)
«Development of a novel alveoli-on-chip model for mechanical investigations on primary human alveolar epithelial cells»

Sara Doina Schütz, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (February 15)
Interfaculty Bioinformatics Unit/Laboratory Spiez, Faculty of Sciences (PD Dr. Rémy Bruggmann)
"Functional Characterization of Francisella tularensis subspecies holarctica Genotypes with a Proteogenomic Approach"

Alba Segura Amil, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (February 01)
University clinic for Neurosurgery, Inselspital Bern, Medical Faculty ( Thuy Anh Khoa Nguyen, Prof. Dr. Claudio Pollo)
«Improving DBS therapy with patient-specific tractography»

Patcharamon Seubnooch, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (April 15)
Institute of Clinical Chemistry, Inselspital, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Mojgan Masoodi)
«Spatial metabolic imaging to access hepatic lipid metabolism in Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis»

Katyayani Sharma, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (February 09)
Pediatric Endocrinology, University Children's Hospital Bern, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Amit Vikram Pandey)
«Identification and Targeting of Novel Mechanisms for Treatment of Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC)»

Kristina Slabeva, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (February 01)
Inselspital, Department Neurology, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Maxime Baud)
«Circadian timing of limbic seizures in the epileptic mouse»

Tomáš Sláma, Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy) (May 08)
Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine ISPM, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Claudia Kühni, Prof. Dr. Christina Schindera)
«Physical functioning and cardiovascular disease among survivors of childhood cancer»

Daniel Spari, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (May 23)
DBMR, Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. med. Guido Jakob Friedrich Beldi)
«The Role of Released Bacterial ATP, Intestinal Dysbiosis and Liver-ILC3s in Surgical Infections and Sepsis»

Irene Spera, PhD in Neuroscience (January 10, 2024)
Theodor Kocher Institute, Faculty of Medicine, Bern (Dr. Steven Thomas Proulx)
«Advanced imaging approaches to investigate cerebrospinal fluid outflow pathways in mice»

Roxane Patricia Spiegelhalder, PhD in Cell Biology (September 20)
ISP Institute of Plant Sciences Bern, Faculty of Science (Prof. Dr. Michael Thomas Raissig)
«Multiple factors guide guard cell morphogenesis in Brachypodium distachyon»

Moritz Maximilian Ottmar Stelzer, DVM PhD (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Philosophy) (December 17)
FIWI, Vetsuisse Faculty Bern (Prof. Dr. Heike Schmidt-Posthaus)
«Proliferative Kidney Disease - an emerging disease for Swiss wild brown trout populations
Development of a non-invasive monitoring system and research on other possible intermediate hosts for Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae»

Diego Stutzer, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (August 22)
Institute for Human Centered Engineering. Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Burger and Prof. Thomas Niederhauser)
«Robust feedback control of piezoelectric dental scalers»



Sergio Tascon Morales, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (May 15)
ARTORG, Medical Faculty ( Prof. Dr. Raphael Sznitman, Dr. Pablo Márquez Neila)
«Spatial Awareness and Logic for Robust Visual Question Answering»cine host»

Danielle Michèle Thompson, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (January 08)
Institut für Virologie und Immunologie, Vetsuisse Faculty Bern
«Functional analysis of the bat influenza A virus M2 protein»

Joel Matias Tuomaala, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (October 24)
Institute of Cell Biology IZB, Faculty of Science (Prof. Dr. Benjamin Daniel Towbin)
«Selectivity of ribophagy balances the life history tradeoff between survival and rapid recovery»



Christian Urzì, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (June 17)
DBMR, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Peter Vermathen)
«Short-term Detection of Metabolic and Oxygen Changes upon Substrate Charges or Inhibitor Challenges using an NMR Bioreactor System»



Ellen Marleen van Maren, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (June 06)
Department of Neurlogy, Inselspital, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Maxime Baud, Prof. Dr. Kaspar Schindler)
«The Dynamics of Effective Connectivity in the Human Cortex»

Simone Vincenti, PhD Neuroscience (June 5)
Small Animal Clinic, Vetsuisse Bern Faculty (Prof. Dr. Franck Forterre, Prof. Dr. Paolo Ciana)
«Investigation on the use od patient derived extracellular vesicle to assist the therapeutic plan of brain tumors in dogs»




Cédric André Walker, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (November 29)
Institute of Animal Pathology, Vetsuisse Faculty Bern (Prof. Dr. Sven Rottenberg)
«Computational characterization of the tumor micoenvironment to identify prognostic and predictive biomarkers in ovarian cancer»

Chang Wang, PhD in Cell Biology (March 25)
Institute of Anatomy, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Benoît Zuber)
«A novel labelling method in Cryo-electron microscopy aimed to investigate in-situ synapse connector proteins.»

Hanjie Wang, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (January 24)
Center for Biomedical Engineering Research ARTORG, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Tobias Nef)
«Heart Rate Dynamics and Control During Exercise»

Tsering Monika Wüthrich, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (December 18)
Insititute for Infectious Diseases, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Markus Hilty)
«The microbiota and its pathogens in chronic respiratory diseases: from strain typing to community dynamics»





Xiaoli Yang, MD PhD (Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy) (June 27)
Inselspital, Universität Bern, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Claudio L. A. Bassetti)
«Sleep disordered breathing, atrial fibrillation and ischemic stroke: A prospective observational cohort study»



Adam Zabini, MD PhD (Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy) (November 06)
Laboratory for Radiation Oncology, Medical Faculty (PD Dr.phil. Michaela Medova)
«Exploring the dual role of SPRR2A in invasiveness and therapeutic resistance in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma»

Lukas Zbinden, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (October 31)
ARTORG, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Adrian Thomas Huber)
«Advances in Automated Non-Invasive LiverMRI Phenotyping and Stochastic Segmentation»

Xilei Zhu, Doctor of Dentistry and Philosophy (DDS,PhD) (September 17)
Department of Periodontology, School of Dental Medicine. Faculty of Medicine (Prof. Dr. Anton Sculean Sigrun Eick)
«Hyaluronic Acid as Potential Anti-biofilm and Anti-inflammation Agent in Periodontal Therapy An In-vitro Researcht»

Jana Ziegelmüller, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (April 26)
DCBP, Faculty of Science
«In vitro investigation of translation-dependent mRNA quality control» (Prof. Dr. Oliver Mühlemann)