Graduations in 2025

GCB Graduates 2025 in alphabetical order.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 



Nicolò Alerni, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (January 15)
University of Bern, Department of Physiology, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Katja Elisabeth Odening)
«Electro-mechanical and mechano-electrical interactions in Long QT, Short QT and Wild-Type rabbits»

Isabel Arenas Hoyos, MD PhD (Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy) (January 13)
DBMR, University of Bern, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Robert Rieben, PD Radu Olariu, Dr. Nicoletta Sorvillo)
«Vascularized composite allotransplantation: A model for understanding graft rejection»



Patricia Katiana Beer, DVM PhD (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Philosophy) (February 6)
Clinic for Small Animal Surgery/ Department for Small Animals, Vetsuisse Faculty Zurich (PD Dr. med. vet. Mirja Christine Nolff)
«Targeted near-infrared Fluorescence imaging for intraoperative soft tissue sarcoma visualization: cross-species target analysis and in vivo imaging in dogs»

Fabienne Esther Birrer, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (January 20)
University of Bern, DBMR, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Deborah M. Keogh-Stroka)
«Characterization of the Mc4rKO mouse model to investigate the immune landscape in MASH livers»



Francesco Stefano Carzaniga, PhD in Neuroscience (February 14)
Department of Neurology, Inselspital, Sleep-Wake-Epilepsy-Center, NeuroTec, University Bern, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Kaspar Anton Schindler)
«Vector-Symbolic Architectures and Generative AI for Multivariate Time-Series Analysis: Advancing Seizure Detection and Understanding of Human Electroencephalography»

Filippo Manlio Cattalani Tognola, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (February 28)
Institute of Animal Pathology, Vetsuisse Bern (Prof. Dr. Horst Posthaus)
«Unveiling the molecular and structural mechanism of action of Clostridium perfringens Necrotizing enteritis toxin F (NetF)»





Bryce Ridley Evans, PhD in Immunology (January 22)
University of Bern, DBMR, Angiology, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Yvonne Döring)
«ChemR23 prevents phenotypic switching of vascular  smooth muscle cells  into macrophage like foam cells in atherosclerosis»



Timothée Louis Fettrelet, PhD in Immunology (February 21)
Institute of Pharmacology, Medical faculty, Univesity of Bern (Prof. Dr. Hans-Uwe Simon)
«Molecular regulation of eosinophil differentiation and functions: the emerging role of long non-coding RNAs»»

Matteo Frigelli, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (February 03)
Universität Bern, ARTOG, Medical Faculty (Dr. Sabine Kling and Prof. Dr. Philippe Büchler)
«Localized Corneal Stiffening for Refractive Correction: Experiments and Computational Analysis»





Kai Pascal Alexander Hänggeli, PhD in Cell Biology (January 22)
Institute of Parasitology, Vetsuisse Faculty Bern (Prof. Dr. Andrew Hemphill)
«Characterisation and validation of putative targets for intervention in Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infection»







MohammadAmin Khosrozadeh, PhD in Neuroscience (January 30)
Institute of Anatomy, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Benoît Zuber)
«Morphological Principle of Synaptic Transmission Regulation Using Cryo-Electron Tomography and Data-Driven Models»



Yuebing Li, MD PhD (Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy) (January 22)
University Hospital for Ophthalmology, Medical Faculty ( Prof. Dr. Volker Enzmann, PD Dr. med. Souska Sophie Zandi)
«Rho-kinase involvement in ocluar fibrosis»

Lea Lingg, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (February 14)
Institute of Animal Pathology, Vetsuisse Faculty Bern (Prof. Dr. Sven Rottenberg)
«Refining Precision Oncology: Understanding Mechanisms of Therapy Response in BRCA1;p53- Deficient Mammary Tumors»





Saranda Nimani, MD PhD (Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy) (January 29)
Department of Physiology - UNIBE, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Katja Elisabeth Odening)
«QT syndromes: arrhythmogenic mechanisms and novel therapeutic approaches»





Mariafrancesca Petrucci, DVM PhD (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Philosophy) (January 09)
DBMR, Experimental Surgery facility (ESF), University of Bern, Medical Faculty ( Dr. Daniela Casoni)
«Unravelling pain in minipigs undergoing experimentally induced myocardial infarction.Can it also mirror ischaemic pain in humans?»

Lukas Martin Probst, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (January 21)
Universität Bern,IFIK, Medicine Faculty (PD Dr. Ronald Dijkman)
«Characterization of the Interaction of Influenza D Virus with the Host Innate Immune System»





Dominik Alexander Rothen, PhD in Immunology (January 24)
RI-Immunologie Inselspital, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Martin Bachmann)
«Multi‐Target Vaccine Against Flaviviruses Based on Virus‐Like Particles»

Adrian Cyrill Ruckli, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (January 24)
Center for Translational Medicine and Biomedical Entrepreneurship sitem, Medical Faculty (PD Dr. Kate Gerber)
«Uncertainty-based error localisation and correction for deep learning anatomy segmentation for treatment planning in orthopaedics»



Osman Berk Satir, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (January 07)
University of Bern, ARTORG, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Philippe Büchler)
«Deep learning for automatic characterization of shoulder bone and muscle morphology and degeneration from CT images»

Alexandria Marie Schauer, PhD in Biomedical Sciences (February 18)
Institute of Bee Health, Vetsuisse Faculty, Bern (Prof. Dr. Peter Neumann)
«Arthropod-virus interactions from tissue to landscape level»

Mathieu Simon, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (January 20)
Universität Bern, ARTOG, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Philippe Zysset)
«Multi-Scale Bone Morphology-Mechanical Property Relations in Ageing and Disease»

Michael Single, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (February 05)
ARTORG, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Antoine Roger Adamantidis)
«Digital Biomarkers to Characterize Motor Functions of People with a Neurodegenerative Disease»



Federico Turco, PhD in Biomedical Engineering (March 7)
Institute of Diagnostic and Inverventional Neuroradiology, MedIcal Faculty (Prof. Dr. Johannes Slotboom)
«Development of High-Performance MRSI Analysis and Processing Tool Based on Artificial Intelligence»









Jun Xu, MD PhD (Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy) (February 24)
Institute of Pathology, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Mario Paul Tschan)
«Function and post-translational regulation of the oncogenic splice variant DMTF1β»



Yudong Yan, MD PhD (Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy) (January 24)
Zentrum fur Experimentelle Neurologie (ZEN), Department of Neurology, Inselspital University Hospital Bern, Medical Faculty (Prof. Dr. Antoine Roger Adamantidis)
«Stability of Hypothalamic Neural Population Activity Across Sleep-Wake States»