
The PhD program requires a minimum of 6.0 ECTS credit points which can be obtained by participating in approved, scientifically oriented, project related courses, workshops, seminars and lectures during the doctoral training period. As part of the 6.0 ECTS, it is mandatory that 3.0 ECTS are acquired with lecture courses or book clubs which include a graded exam with marks, and which provide the candidate with new knowledge relevant to the research project. The individual training program assigned to each PhD candidate takes into account the student's previous training and relevance to the research work.

It is mandatory for all PhD candidates of the GCB to attend the two-hour lecture «Scientific Integrity», which is given once each semester at the University of Bern by Prof. Dr. Torsten Ochsenreiter, Institute of Cell Biology. The lecture must be taken (at least) once and is strongly recommended to be taken during the first year of the doctoral work. The exam takes place in ILIAS.

Students should familiarize themselves with ILIAS (for Scientific Integrity and other courses) and CTS/KSL where you will register for courses and see your coursework that will be included in your diploma supplement.

This is a link to a video introduction to the CTS/KSL system.

Please note the difference between "adding" to planning and "registering" for a course. If a course is not open yet, for example, if the course takes place in a semester for which you are not yet matriculated, you can "add" the course to your planning. You will then receive an automatic system-generated notification when the course is opened.

You are only able to register for courses that begin in semesters in which you are fully matriculated at the University of Bern.

Pro Tip: All University of Bern courses must be administered via CTS/KSL. No University of Bern ECTS can be entered into the system from a course certificate. No exceptions. Therefore, you must confirm with course organizers in advance, particularly when registration is not via CTS/KSL, that the course results will be entered by the organizers in CTS/KSL. This is a University of Bern policy.



PhD candidates and supervisors are encouraged to suggest topics for new courses to be added to the GCB course catalog. For suggestions, please contact the GCB Coordinator: